Common Punctuation Marks in Mandarin

Just like other languages, Chinese also has punctuation marks. However, there will be some slight differences from English. Let’s find out through this article.

I. Full stop

Although the shape is slightly different from an English period, it has the same function.

II. Comma

A comma can be used in Chinese sentences similarly to how it can in English, however it cannot be used to enumerate a list, which is a significant difference. Another punctuation mark is offered for that.

III. Enumeration comma

When separating words that make up a list, the enumeration comma must be used in instead of the regular comma.

IV. Quotation mark

The quotation marks are completely different in Simplified and Traditional Chinese writing. In Simplified Chinese, the format is the same as in English: “… ‘…’ … ”. In Traditional Chinese, brackets are used instead: 「 …『…』… 」.

V. Colon

VI. Semicolon

VII. Question mark

VIII. Exclamation mark

IX. Brackets

X. Title mark

This punctuation, which is used for book, movie, and other title titles, literally means “book name mark.” Double angle brackets that are full width are used.

XI. Ellipsis

The ellipsis is written in Chinese with six dots, as compared to the three in English.

XII. Middle dot

Chinese separates characters in non-Han personal names with a middle dot. A middle dot is used between the first, middle, and last names when translating and writing a non-Han personal name.

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