For those working in companies with Chinese owners or partners, mastering office vocabulary in Chinese is essential for effective communication. In the following article, Ni Hao Ma will provide you with a list of common Chinese office vocabulary to help you communicate more efficiently in the workplace.
Chinese Office Supplies and Tools Vocabulary
In an office environment, knowing how to name office supplies is crucial. Learning Chinese vocabulary related to office supplies will help you communicate with colleagues and easily handle real-life situations.
Chinese | Pinyin | English |
笔 | bǐ | Pen |
铅笔 | qiānbǐ | Pencil |
圆珠笔 | yuánzhū bǐ | Ballpoint pen |
钢笔 | gāngbǐ | Fountain pen |
荧光笔 | yíngguāng bǐ | Highlighter |
记号笔 | jìhào bǐ | Marker |
橡皮 | xiàngpí | Eraser |
尺子 | chǐzi | Ruler |
剪刀 | jiǎndāo | Scissors |
胶水 | jiāoshuǐ | Glue |
订书机 | dìngshūjī | Stapler |
回形针 | huíxíngzhēn | Paperclip |
文件夹 | wénjiànjiā | Folder |
笔记本 | bǐjìběn | Notebook |
杯子 | bēizi | Cup |
台历 | táilì | Desk calendar |
白板 | báibǎn | Whiteboard |
白板笔 | báibǎnbǐ | Whiteboard marker |
文件架 | wénjiànjià | File rack |
打印机 | dǎyìnjī | Printer |
传真机 | chuánzhēnjī | Fax machine |
复印机 | fùyìnjī | Photocopier |
投影仪 | tóuyǐngyí | Projector |
钉书针 | dìngshūzhēn | Staple |
文件箱 | wénjiànxiāng | File box |
名片夹 | míngpiànjiā | Business card holder |
胶带 | jiāodài | Tape |
键盘 | jiànpán | Keyboard |
鼠标 | shǔbiāo | Mouse |
硬盘 | yìngpán | Hard drive |
U盘 | U pán | USB flash drive |
充电器 | chōngdiànqì | Charger |
电话 | diànhuà | Phone |
图钉 | túdīng | Thumbtack |
墨水 | mòshuǐ | Ink |
信封 | xìnfēng | Envelope |
纸 | zhǐ | Paper |
打孔器 | dǎkǒngqì | Hole puncher |
文件柜 | wénjiànguì | Filing cabinet |
纸巾 | zhǐjīn | Tissue |
电脑 | diànnǎo | Computer |
名片 | míngpiàn | Business card |
椅子 | yǐzi | Chair |
桌子 | zhuōzi | Desk |
笔筒 | bǐtǒng | Pen holder |
便签 | biànqiān | Sticky notes |
插座 | chāzuò | Power outlet |
裁纸刀 | cái zhǐ dāo | Paper cutter |
黑板擦 | hēibǎncā | Blackboard eraser |
转笔刀 | zhuǎnbǐdāo | Pencil sharpener |

Office Vocabulary in Chinese for Different Departments
To work efficiently, mastering vocabulary related to the various departments in a company is essential. This section will help you familiarize yourself with office vocabulary in Chinese related to company departments, enabling better communication and a clearer understanding of the internal operations of the company.
Office Vocabulary in Chinese: Departments
In order to work effectively, it is essential to have a good grasp of the vocabulary related to the various departments within a company. This section will help you familiarize yourself with key office vocabulary in Chinese regarding company departments, enabling you to communicate more effectively and better understand the internal operations of a business.
English | Chinese | Pinyin |
HR Department | 人力资源部 | Rénlì zīyuán bù |
Sales Department | 销售部 | Xiāoshòu bù |
Finance Department (Accounting) | 财务部 | Cáiwù bù |
Marketing Department | 市场部 | Shìchǎng bù |
Design Department | 设计部 | Shèjì bù |
IT Department | 信息技术部 | Xìnxī jìshù bù |
Legal Department | 法务部 | Fǎwù bù |
Production Department | 生产部 | Shēngchǎn bù |
Administration Department | 行政部 | Xíngzhèng bù |
Public Relations Department | 公关部 | Gōngguān bù |
Customer Service Department | 客户服务部 | Kèhù fúwù bù |
Research and Development Department | 研发部 | Yánfā bù |
Procurement Department | 采购部 | Cǎigòu bù |
Quality Control Department | 质量控制部 | Zhìliàng kòngzhì bù |
Training Department | 培训部 | Péixùn bù |
Security Department | 保安部 | Bǎo’ān bù |
Import/Export Department | 进出口部 | Jìn chūkǒu bù |

Office Vocabulary in Chinese For Job Titles
One of the key aspects of effective office communication is understanding the job titles and roles of individuals within the workplace. These vocabulary terms not only help you interact with colleagues but also demonstrate your professionalism in the workplace. Below is a list of essential Chinese office vocabulary related to job titles that you should know:
Office Vocabulary in Chinese: Job Titles
One of the key aspects of effective office communication is understanding the job titles and roles of individuals within an organization. Mastering these terms not only helps you interact with colleagues but also demonstrates your professionalism in the workplace. Below are some essential Chinese office vocabulary related to job titles that you should know:
English | Chinese | Pinyin |
Chairman of the Board | 董事长 | Dǒngshì zhǎng |
Board Member | 董事会成员 | Dǒngshì huì chéngyuán |
CEO | 首席执行官 | Shǒuxí zhíxíng guān |
CFO | 首席财务官 | Shǒuxí cáiwù guān |
CTO | 首席技术官 | Shǒuxí jìshù guān |
Founder | 创始人 | Chuàngshǐ rén |
Shareholder | 股东 | Gǔdōng |
General Manager | 总经理 | Zǒng jīnglǐ |
Manager | 经理 | Jīnglǐ |
Branch Manager | 分公司经理 | Fēn gōngsī jīnglǐ |
Department Head | 课长 | Kè zhǎng |
Director | 局长 | Júzhǎng |
Deputy Director | 副局长 | Fù júzhǎng |
Section Head | 处长 | Chù zhǎng |
Deputy Section Head | 副处长 | Fù chù zhǎng |
Team Leader | 领班 | Lǐngbān |
Specialist | 专员 | Zhuānyuán |
Employee | 员工 | Yuángōng |
Accountant | 会计 | Kuàijì |
Secretary | 秘书 | Mìshū |
Assistant | 助理 | Zhùlǐ |
Executive Assistant | 行政助理 | Xíngzhèng zhùlǐ |
Minister | 部长 | Bùzhǎng |
Deputy Minister | 副部长 | Fù bù zhǎng |
Project Manager | 项目经理 | Xiàngmù jīnglǐ |
Supervisor | 监督员 | Jiāndū yuán |
Factory Manager | 厂长 | Chǎng zhǎng |
Technician | 技术员 | Jìshùyuán |
Assistant | 助理 | Zhùlǐ |
Security Guard | 保安 | Bǎo’ān |
Warehouse Keeper | 仓库管理员 | Cāngkù guǎnlǐ yuán |
Treasurer | 财务主管 | Cáiwù zhǔguǎn |
Intern | 实习生 | Shíxí shēng |
Office Vocabulary in Chinese: Activities in the Workplace
In addition to office supplies, departments, and job titles, it’s also essential to familiarize yourself with Chinese vocabulary related to daily office activities. Here are some key Chinese terms related to activities in the workplace that you should know:
Chinese | Pinyin | English |
打电话 | dǎ diànhuà | Make a phone call |
接电话 | jiē diànhuà | Answer the phone |
开会 | kāihuì | Have a meeting |
签名 | qiānmíng | Sign |
合同 | hétóng | Contract |
提案 | tí’àn | Proposal |
报告 | bàogào | Report |
客户 | kèhù | Client |
任务 | rènwù | Task |
邮箱 | yóuxiāng | Mailbox, Email |
发电子邮件 | fā diànzǐ yóujiàn | Send an email |
名片 | míngpiàn | Business card |
计划 | jìhuà | Plan |
调查 | diàochá | Survey |
批准 | pīzhǔn | Approval |
指导 | zhǐdǎo | Guidance |
培训 | péixùn | Training |
加班 | jiābān | Work overtime |
会议纪要 | huìyì jìyào | Meeting minutes |
员工考核 | yuángōng kǎohé | Employee evaluation |
调岗 | diàogǎng | Job transfer |
辞职 | cízhí | Resign |
招聘 | zhāopìn | Recruitment |
入职 | rùzhí | Onboarding |
离职 | lízhí | Resignation |
领取工资 | lǐng qǔ gōngzī | Receive salary |
考勤 | kǎoqín | Attendance |
吃午饭 | chī wǔfàn | Have lunch |
支付 | zhīfù | Payment |
解雇 | jiěgù | Termination |
刷卡 | shuā kǎ | Swipe card |
扫描 | sǎo miáo | Scan |
分配 | fēnpèi | Allocation |
咨询 | zīxún | Consulting |
问卷调查 | wènjuàn diàochá | Survey |
研究 | yánjiū | Research |
打印文件 | dǎyìn wénjiàn | Print documents |
上班 | shàng bān | Go to work |
下班 | xià bān | Finish work |
出版 | chū bǎn | Publish |
编辑 | biānjí | Edit |
撰写 | zhuànxiě | Draft |
翻译 | fān yì | Translate |
盖图章 | gài túzhāng | Stamp |
项目实施 | xiàngmù shíshī | Project implementation |
磋商 | cuōshāng | Negotiation |
打开电脑 | dǎkāi diànnǎo | Turn on the computer |
关掉电脑 | guān diào diànnǎo | Turn off the computer |
笔录 | bǐlù | Take notes |
交代 | jiāodài | Handover |
出差 | chūchāi | Go on a business trip |
开具发票 | kāijù fāpiào | Issue an invoice |
设计 | shèjì | Design |
准备 | zhǔnbèi | Prepare |
Office Vocabulary in Chinese: A Practical Dialogue
By now, you have become familiar with some essential office vocabulary in Chinese. The next step is to know how to apply these terms in everyday communication to work efficiently with colleagues and partners. Below is a sample dialogue using the office vocabulary we’ve covered:
Employee A: 张经理,我可以借用一下您的订书机吗?
(Zhāng jīnglǐ, wǒ kěyǐ jièyòng yīxià nín de dìngshūjī ma?)
Employee A: “Manager Zhang, may I borrow your stapler?”
Manager Zhang: 当然可以,订书机在我桌子上,你自己拿吧。对了,文件打印好了吗?
(Dāngrán kěyǐ, dìngshūjī zài wǒ zhuōzi shàng, nǐ zìjǐ ná ba. Duìle, wénjiàn dǎyìn hǎo le ma?)
Manager Zhang: “Of course, the stapler is on my desk, you can take it. By the way, is the document printed?”
Employee A: 打印好了,我已经把它交给了行政部。
(Dǎyìn hǎo le, wǒ yǐjīng bǎ tā jiāo gěi le xíngzhèng bù.)
Employee A: “It’s printed. I have already handed it over to the administrative department.”
Manager Zhang: 辛苦了!明天下午我们会开会,你提前准备好资料吧!
(Xīnkǔ le! Míngtiān xiàwǔ wǒmen huì kāihuì, nǐ tíqián zhǔnbèi hǎo zīliào!)
Manager Zhang: “Thank you for your hard work! Tomorrow afternoon we will have a meeting, please prepare the materials in advance!”
Employee A: 好的。(Hǎo de.) – “Got it.”

Office vocabulary used in the dialogue:
- 经理 (jīnglǐ): Manager
- 订书机 (dìngshūjī): Stapler
- 桌子 (zhuōzi): Desk
- 打印 (dǎyìn): Print (documents)
- 行政部 (xíngzhèng bù): Administrative department
- 开会 (kāihuì): Have a meeting
Mastering office vocabulary in Chinese is a crucial step in building your confidence in a professional environment, especially when working with Chinese-speaking colleagues or clients. We hope this article from Ni Hao Ma has provided valuable insights and will help you use Chinese more effectively in your workplace.